Green Building In New Home Design
Below are green building partner programs we participate in and offer to our clients:
Wisconsin Focus On Energy
Mikkelson Builders is a Trade Ally of the Focus On Energy Program, which helps Wisconsin homeowners make smart energy decisions, with enduring economic benefits. Watch the short video below for an overview of the program:

Recyclean, Inc
For our clients with a project that requires a tear-down, Mikkelson Builders is proud to partner with Recyclean, Inc, the Midwest’s leading deconstruction company, known for their GREEN alternative to traditional demolition. Recyclean, Inc reclaims most of the building materials (masonry, metals, glass, lumber, millwork, fixtures, doors and windows) during a demolition, and donates it to a 501C charity so it can be repurposed in another project in the future. This keeps materials from ending up in a landfill, and also offers a sizable tax incentive for our client. It’s a win-win for everyone! See the short video below:

Energy Star

Our homes feature products with the Energy Star Certification, which ensures that our clients have the most energy efficient products throughout their home.